
Developer's Corner

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Field presence tracking in Protocol Buffer v3

With Protocol Buffer v3, it was not longer possible to known if a field is unset or set to a default value, except to use workaround with oneof fields or wrapper objects defined in google/protobuf/wrappers.proto. The version 3.12 adds a new exprimental support for field presence allowing to solve this problem.

Improve code readability by using coding rules

The programming style, coding standards or coding rules, all refers to a set of guidelines, best pratices, conventions that developers use when writing source code. All developpers have their own habits, nevertheless, if all developpers conform to the same standard, the consistency through the project will ease maintenability, code review and so on. One of the goal is to improve code quality, but also the daily life of the developper by defined common rules to ease communication.

Improve code quality through static code analysis

Using static analysis tools to detect bugs or bad pratice at early stage in the development process is greatly benefits for the code quality of the project. Moreover, these tools allow to find and correct many errors in a cheaper way before they appear at runtime.

Static analyzers have a knowledge base on various patterns that in certain conditions cause an error and can provide feedbacks to the developper, the existence of which he himself would hardly have guessed.

Monitor security risks of dependencies into Java project

Nowadays, a big part if not the major of an application code comes from dependencies (most often open source). Open source components as others can be subject to vulnerabilities. Once a dependency is added into a project, informations related to this dependency are not always monitored (new version, detected vulnerabilities and so on). In order to provides the most robust and secure application, it will be benefit to track risks related to these dependencies.