
Knowing IDE shortcuts helps developer to increase their productivity

Eclipse important shortcut for java developers

Eclipse is one of the most used Java development IDE and knowing his shortcuts allows you to improve your productivity but also makes you more efficient. You will have more time for things you have to do.

If you use several IDE in the same time, I recommend you to configure your IDEs to share the same shortcuts, for instance Intellij can be easily configured to use Eclipse shortcuts. It will simplify your developer life.

General shortcuts

Ctrl + 3 Allows you to perform all available actions in Eclipse. This shortcut puts the focus into the Quick Access search box which allows you to execute any Eclipse command.

Ctrl + shift + L The list of shortcuts used in Eclipse.

Coding shortcuts

Ctrl + shift + T Find Java type even from jars.

Ctrl + shift + R Find resource, similar to the previous shortcut but it can find out not only Java files but any files including XML, configs, and many others.

Ctrl + O Show all methods of the current class (outline), press twice to show the inherited methods.

Ctrl + T Switch between supertype and subtype hierarchy of the current type.

F3 or Ctrl + Click Go to the type declaration.

F4 See type hierarchy of the current type.

Ctrl + Shift + O Organize imports.

Ctrl + 1 Quick fix, the result depend on the cursor position.

Ctrl + Shift + T comment or uncomment code.

Ctrl + Shift + F Format code into the selection or whole file if no current selection.

Ctrl + Shift + G Searches into the workspace for references to the selected method or variable.

Ctrl + Go back while editing.

Ctrl + Go forth while editing.

Ctrl + Shift + Navigate to the next member in up direction (variables and methods).

Ctrl + Shift + Navigate to the next member in down direction (variables and methods).

Ctrl + K Go to the next found item.

Ctrl + Shift + K Go to the previous found item.

Ctrl + L Go to line.

Ctrl + Q Go to the last edited location.

Ctrl + E Switch between editor tabs.

Ctrl + F8 Switch between perspective.

Editing shortcuts

Ctrl + W Close the current editor.

Ctrl + F Find/replace dialog window.


Ctrl + D Delete a line.

Ctrl + Suppr Delete next item.

Ctrl + Shift + Suppr Delete until the endline.

Ctrl + Backspace Delete previous item.

Create new line

Shift + Enter Adds a blank line below the current line and moves the cursor to the new line.

Ctrl + Shift + Enter Same as previous but above.